What do I need to know?

Psycho-education can accelerate your recovery and empower you with a vision for what “better” looks like.

During my mental health journey, I often felt broken, like something was wrong with me. I so desperately wanted to know why I felt this way…was I broken beyond repair or was there hope?

Over the last 20 years, I’ve had the privilege of being treated and trained by some of the world’s leading psychiatrists, psychologists & neuroscientists.

They helped me build a mental model of why I was in so much pain. Why my life was out of control.

The clearer that mental model became, the more I could identify, understand and empathize with my thoughts, feelings and behaviors.

No longer were individual symptom-gremlins jumping out unexpectedly from within — each symptom, each pain was part of a coherent strategy my mind had developed to navigate the world. It wasn’t an effective strategy, but it was a strategy nonetheless.

Understanding the processes underlying my experiences made it clear to me how I could change my strategy to become more effective, little by little.

Our Foundations course is a collaboration between myself and our clinical team — it’s our effort to distill some of the most important models in psychiatry and neuroscience, the ones that grounded my own recovery — with the hope that it takes you 8 weeks, not 20 years, to start seeing the bigger picture.

This course is not perfect, and it’s not comprehensive — but we hope it’s a good enough place to start you on the road to building your own model of how you function, and how you might start to function better.

Lindsay Dow
Founder, Personily

Explore our content below or sign up to receive the full course via a short daily email over 8 weeks.

By the end of the course, we hope you’ll see yourself, your vulnerabilities and your capacity for resilience in a new light and take away a clear, holistic set of models to ground you for the rest of your journey.

Foundations Curriculum

  • What is personality? How do our biology and our environments combine to make us relate to ourselves, others and the world in our own unique way.

  • What do humans need, and how do our brains motivate us to meet our needs in the world?

  • How do our feelings color our beliefs, thoughts and experiences to help us navigate the world?

  • How does our brain figure out what’s happening in the world and decide what to do about it?

  • How do we know who we are, what we can and can’t do, and what we aspire to be?

  • How does our model of ourselves fail us and create unstable and fragile self esteem

  • How can a fragile and unstable sense of self crate challenges in our relationships to others.

  • How can we pull all these concepts together and use them to build a stronger, more stable identity, self esteem, relationships and life.


Our foundations course below…

Is the course right for you?

Foundations is specifically focused on understanding, stabilizing and enhancing personality functioning — helping you increase resilience and deal with vulnerabilities.

Everyone has a personality — it’s your way of creating a coherent sense of self and relating to others. Personality functioning is core to who you are as a human. Without a stable core, other problems start to build on top of that shaky foundation: depression, anxiety, obsessions, attention issues, self esteem and self image issues, substance use…

This course may be particularly relevant if you’ve sought treatment for these other issues, without getting satisfying answers or results to move your life forward.

Learning From Reward

Dr. Philip Corlett & Lindsay Dow

Live Ask the Expert Recordings

Explore our recordings to learn from our leading experts in personality.

How People Learn

Dr. Philip Corlett & Lindsay Dow


Dr. Lois Choi-Kain & Lindsay Dow


Dr. Lois Choi-Kain & Lindsay Dow